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Multimedia Projects



Bleeding Purple


This piece tells the story of three survivors of domestic violence. It takes you through each of their stories and shares how they were able to survive. 

La Vida Nocturna

La Vida Nocturna​


This piece focuses on the unconventional side of the nightlife in Seville, Spain. Reported in both English and Spanish, it follows the nights of three different people, a doctor, a taxi driver, and a prostitute as they head to work. 


Cannabinoids: How CBD might affect your health

After the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, it become legal for farmers in North Carolina to grow CBD. Piece takes a look at the growing industry and the many different ways CBD can affect your health.

Behind the


Behind the Wheel

This project took a look at Elon University's Bio Bus system. It's a deep dive into the sustainability, safety, and routes of the Bio Bus. Complete with info graphics, videos, audio and more it give you the feel of being on the Bio Bus from wherever you are

Video and Audio

Occasionally in my free time, I like to take a camera outside and just do some filming. I have also dabbled in the art of podcasting! In this section, you will find my most recent narrative story as well as my most recent podcast episode, with more videos and content to come!


Photography is another passion I enjoy. Especially when I go on a trip or a hike I love to take my camera to document what I saw. In this section you will find photos of my most recent adventures. 

Graphic Design

Graphic Design is my newest skill. While I have been mostly making motion graphics and logos for fun it is definitely a skill I hope to use in other areas of my professional career. 

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